přeložit I'm a keen photographer that loves taken pictures of your pets an wildlife. přeloženo Googlem
Took this photo of some umbrellas in London
Took this photo with my mobile phone on Christmas day at my local restaurant.
Gray Squirrel
Took this picture down my local Riverside. I ways get downkw as I can to take pictures of Animals and birds e.c.t
Black Squirrel
Lovely photo of a black Squirrel in a tree
House sparrow
House sparrow eating food for my garden feeder
Sun setting
Sun setting at night time
Love the black and Wight that I changed it to.
My daughter
Change the photo to black and Wight to give it that old fill.
Ukázat místo na mapě
My Dog
My Dog Maverick
Baby Swans
Lovely photo of some young Swans